International Student Requirements

How do I meet these requirements?

  • The Affordable Care Act (ACA) 10 covered benefits that are required:
    • Ambulatory patient services (outpatient care you get without being admitted to a hospital).
    • Emergency Services
    • Hospitalization (like surgery and overnight stays).
    • Pregnancy and newborn care (both before and after birth)
    • Mental health and substances use disorder service, including behavioral health treatment, counseling, and psychotherapy
    • Prescription drugs
    • Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
    • Laboratory Services
    • Preventative and wellness services and chronic disease management
    • Pediatric services, including oral and vision care
  • State University System of Florida Board of Governor's specifically BOG 6.009 Requirements:
    • Your plan must have a provider network in the Tallahassee (Leon County) area for routine, specialty and emergency care.
    • Your policy must provide Basic Benefits: Room, board, hospital services, physician fees, surgeon fees, ambulance, outpatient services, and outpatient customary fees paid at 80% or more of usual, customary, reasonable charge per accident or illness, after deductible is met, for in-network, and 60% or more of usual, customary, and reasonable charge for out-of-network providers per accident or illness;
    • Your policy must provide Inpatient Mental Health Care that pays at 80% in-network or 60% out-of-network of the usual and customary fees with a minimum 30-day cap per benefit period;
    • Your policy must provide Outpatient Mental Health Care that pays at 80% in-network or 60% out-of-network of the usual and customary fees for a minimum of 30 (preferably 40) sessions per year;
    • Your policy must provide Maternity Benefits that is treated as any other temporary medical condition and paid at no less than 80% of usual and customary fees in-network or 60% out-of-network;
    • Your policy must provide Repatriation: $25,000 (coverage to return the student's remains to his/her native country);
    • Your policy must provide Medical Evacuation: $50,000 (to permit the patient to be transported to his/her home country and to be accompanied by a provider or escort, if directed by the physician in charge);
    • Your policy must provide the following: Deductible: Maximum of $50 per occurrence if treatment or services are rendered at the Student Health Center; maximum of $100 per occurrence if treatment or services are rendered at an off-campus ambulatory care or hospital emergency department facility;
    • Your policy must provide full coverage for covered injuries/illnesses per accident or illness per policy year;
    • Your insurance carrier must have an A rating or above.
    • Your policy must not unreasonably exclude coverage for perils inherent to the student's program of study
    • The policy must pay claims in U.S. dollars payable on a U.S. financial institution;
    • The policy provisions must be available from the insurer in English.

Important Insurance Dates

Term Waive/Enroll Late Waive/Enroll Charges Post Appeal Ends
Fall 2024 June 3 – August 15 August 16 – September 15 July 15 September 15
Spring/Summer 2025 October 11 – January 1 January 2-January 15 December 1 January 15
Summer 2025 February 20 – May 15 April 16 – May 15 May 1 May 31
Fall 2025 March 3 – TBA TBA July 1 TBA

How much are the Premium rates?

2024/2025 Domestic Student International Student
Annual: August 15 - August 14 $3,086  $3,135
Fall: August 15 - December 31 $1,175  $1,194
Spring/Summer: January 1 - August 14 $1,911 $1,941

* 2025/2026 Academic Year Policy Rates will be posted by 05/01/2025.

I have health insurance

FSU requires all full time, domestic main campus students and international students to have health insurance as a university health requirement. If you need to waive, click below.


I do not have health insurance

FSU requires all full time, domestic main campus students and international students to have health insurance as a university health requirement. If you'd like to see your options, click below.
